hans groen *17 09 1959 - †11 08 2022

posts tagged ‘social dialogue’

covid-19 and european solidarity

The attempts to counter the spread of the coronavirus have serious social and economic consequences, more serious than the financial crisis of 2008. These also put a strain on the relations within the European Union. The EU still seems to be a ‘good weather’ endeavour. As long as prosperity lasts, we all do joyfully our own little thing; once the pressure rises, we call for joint action –  we loudly call for solidarity, (more…)

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verondersteld ondernemerschap

Even iets anders: wat doen we met de zzp-ers? Er is eindelijk een doorbraak dat er toch (weer) een inkomensvangnet komt voor zelfstandigen, maar van harte gaat dat niet. Minister Wiebes heeft op 15 maart gezegd dat er geen steun hoeft te komen voor door het coronavirus getroffen zzp-ers omdat zij een groep zijn die zelf heeft gezegd dat zij geen vast dienstverband hoeven. Wiebes hangt het dogma van het verondersteld ondernemerschap aan. (more…)

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the ruminant economy and laudato si’

The first draft of the ‘ruminant economy’ was discussed at a meeting of the committee of the European Social Weeks, as background to our discussion of the theme for the 8th European Social Week. (more…)

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the ruminant economy 6 – some conclusions

A few concluding statements containing the ideas that I would like to be remembered, and a couple of ideas I could not place in the essays.

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the ruminant economy 4 – it is eating us

For about two centuries, the economy has been approached from the frame of labour and capital. The core is ‘productive’ labour: we make something that has more value than the sum of its ‘ingredients’: (more…)

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the ruminant economy 3 – (un)employment

Our image that accompanies unemployment is always about the jobs that have disappeared yesterday and the developments that have led to that situation. It is the employment policy of yesterday that politics and labour unions often are protecting. (more…)

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the ruminant economy 1 – introduction

At the European Social Week in Milan, Februari 2019, I heard two presentations that shed an interesting light on the current state of labour and employment in Europe. In a number of articles, I would like to discuss some aspects of this situation that I think are important. (more…)

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stem europa

Hoe democratisch is ‘Europa’ en waar eindigt de ‘steeds hechtere unie’? Absolute antwoorden heb ik niet, wel wat overwegingen uit mijn ervaring als zeer betrokken buitenstaander. (more…)

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1 mei en de laatste arbeider

Het tijdperk van ‘de arbeider’ als grootmacht in de economie loopt ten einde. Niet dat de arbeider als machtsfactor verdwijnt, maar er komt een nieuwe macht naast, (more…)

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social dialogue and the limits of labour

Europe has climbed out of the crisis, employment rates are rapidly raising in a lot of European countries. At the same time, there are more ‘working poor’ than unemployed in The Netherlands. (more…)

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